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It was a beautiful time of sharing and lifting up Jesus. The testimonies were very beautiful and for me being an older lady it was wonderful to see so many of the younger ladies in love with Jesus. - Anonymous
Encounters With Jesus was a day retreat of blessing in every aspect - worship, speakers, good food and fellowship. It was welcoming and well planned. So thankful I attended. - Anne
The heart and presence of God was evident in each area of the conference. Thank you everyone. - Anonymous
To be with Christian women from all different Churches, worshiping Jesus, was uplifting and encouraging. We are not alone on this journey, God supplied each of you. Thank you! - Cindy
The encounters with Jesus conference was such a perfect conference to take new Christians or those seeking a relationship with Jesus. It was so natural, “safe” and welcoming. I can’t wait to attend next year! - Lucille
Anyone that did not make it to the ladies conference really missed out! What a wonderful time of fellowship, sharing, and making new friends! - Pat
My sister came with me and she is a new Christian. She was very moved by the Holy Spirit. It filled me with so much love for her. - Connie
I was so blessed to have attended this ladies conference, I felt the Holy Spirit's presence so deeply. I was privileged to have my good friend attend with me and she is now hungry for more of God's presence in her life. - Debbie
I realized by taking my mask off it is me under there and God will help me through the steps. - Anonymous
Encounters with Jesus was a wonderful Women's conference. There was so much love in the room! The messages were encouraging and inspiring. The venue and food was great! It was a great event! - Kerry
The conference was beautifully decorated, well organized, had challenging speakers, good food (including a designated gf section!), and was a nice time of fellowship with the people at your table, especially. - Dee