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Women’s Conference & Other Events
Encounters With Jesus
Anual Conference, Quarterly Events, and More!
In partnership with Well Christian Woman
Women at the Well Gathering
You will not want to miss it!
Discover True Wellness
We are excited to welcome you to Encounters With Jesus. Whether you have just met Him, have known Him for years, or have yet to encounter Jesus in your life, we invite you to join us as we embark on a journey of discovery.In recent years we have found ourselves living in a time like none other of recent memory. Things have changed in ways we could have never imagined and it has left many of us feeling uncertain and shaken.
The Good News is there is Hope in One Who Is Unchanging. His name is Jesus. We hope you will join us at our conferences and events as we hear first hand accounts of how He is, indeed, where we can find true wellness in our daily lives!
Anyone that did not make it to the ladies conference really missed out! What a wonderful time of fellowship, sharing, and making new friends! - Pat
It was a beautiful time of sharing and lifting up Jesus. The testimonies were very beautiful and for me being an older lady it was wonderful to see so many of the younger ladies in love with Jesus. - Anonymous
I realized by taking my mask off it is me under there and God will help me through the steps. - Anonymous
I truly enjoyed the conference from beginning to end. Evidence the Holy Spirit was present and at work was very real to me. He highlighted a personal bondage and helped me confront and deal with it at the conference. Since then I have seen evidence of the release. He also freed a spiritual gift I had suppressed for some time. Praise God. God is able! Thank you to each and everyone who play a part in bring about this Conference. Blessings to you!! - Margaret
The heart and presence of God was evident in each area of the conference. Thank you everyone. - Anonymous
To be with Christian women from all different Churches, worshiping Jesus, was uplifting and encouraging. We are not alone on this journey, God supplied each of you. Thank you! - Cindy
Thank you for sharing Gods Love. This was a wonderful experience, heart warming, supportive, a true blessing to our women of faith that we so desperately need with one another. It was a recharge of the soul. The music was excellent, loved the testimonies, laughed and cried and at the end Prayed with Nancy. We all need encouragement in our faith and this was a perfect charging station for just that. Thank you and God Bless. I will be back with more women warriors of faith. - Susana
"As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." - Acts 4:20
We hope you'll join us on our journey of discovery as we seek true wellness in Jesus.
Email: - Phone: 902-829-3030 (Lake Echo Fellowship Baptist Church)